Thursday, August 22, 2013

8 different ways to keep yourself organized for this year!

Welcome to my first official post on my lets be limitless blog!! This post is all about organization. Some of these tips I will be starting to use myself, or I have used in the past. Hope it helps!!

1. Have A Desk Calendar

This is my desk calendar. I personally like seeing everything that is due or happening on a bigger scale. having a desk calender allows me to clearly understand when things are occurring. I use it for not-so-specific things such as test dates, vacations, birthdays, etc. 
Although, if you do not have a large desk to keep this on, I recommend a regular calender. They both work the same. In the end this will help you keep everything organized so you wont forget any important dates. 
Where can you buy it???
   I bought mine at Target! they are quite inexpensive 

2. Keep an Accurate Planner

A planner is probably the most important thing to have during the school year. It offers you so many advantages such as: monthly calenders, and space for every day of the year. The spaces for every day are best used for assignments given, important dates, reminders, etc. The planner I have is a "full page" size, and not a "half page" size like many are. I prefer the full page one as it allows so much more space for you to write everything you need. 
Where can you buy it?? 
   You can buy planners at any supply store. I bought mine at target! they are very affordable as mine only cost around 10 dollars. 
Ps: the one above is a full page planner 

3. Personalize it! 

When you buy your binders, folders, etc., don't just leave them plane (unless they have designs on them), add some of your personal touch to it. you can add pictures, quotes, drawings, or really anything that you like (that is appropriate for your school...) on them! 
Just because personalizing it may not exactly be a way to stay organized, but it will help! If you make it look like something you like, you will want to keep it looking that way instead of messy and odd looking. 
You should also do this to your locker if you have one!

4. Clean it out often! 

Clean your lockers, binders, pencil cases, etc., out often. Make a set time where you always, no matter how busy you are, you will clean your stuff out. I suggest the last day of every month. I mean you want your lockers looking like this....?
Or like this...? all year....where everyone can see it...

5. Have A System 

What I mean by having a system is, is to well...have a system? For example, maybe you have 1 binder for every two classes that you have. since you will have to change binders, find a reasonable time to switch out your binders. One thing that I know a lot of people do, is that they have a homework folder. Everytime they get homework, (after writing it in their planner) they stick it into their homework folder that they take home with them every single day. 
Talking about the binders remind me of my next suggestions....

6. Color Code It! 

It helps to color code so you know which binder goes with a certain class(s). lets say (from the picture above) that the darker blue represents math, the pink represents government, Orange represents English, and the light blue binder represents science. Even though I just told you to color code your binders, I didn't mention anything about color coding everything else. I know people who color code their notes, there planners (highlights tests/quizzes), or anything really. It all comes down to what will help you the most.

7. Don't Forget To Have Fun!!!

Organizing sounds try to have fun with it!! when you are organized, it will save you time for when you want to have fun or do something later!

Spread the word!!!!! #getorganized2013 post a picture on instagram, facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc., and hash-tag it with get organized 2013. (:

8. Finally, here are some links to help you stay organized for this year!

1.  Evernote ( ) - Evernote is a suite of software and services designed for notetaking and archiving. A "note" can be a piece of formatted text, a full webpage or webpage excerpt, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten "ink" note. Notes can also have file attachments. Notes can be sorted into folders, then tagged, annotated, edited, given comments, searched and exported as part of a notebook. 

2. DropBox ( ) - dropbox is a place to communicate and share files with anyone you wish. it is very helpfull for group projects or assignments.
3. WorkFlowy ( ) - I suggest clicking here to watch a video on how workflowy works!! it is super cool but hard to explain. 

Thanks for checking out my blog! 
Don't forget to follow me on this blog, and my main one here, and my tumblr here

Thanks again 


Thursday, July 18, 2013

I'm Sophisticated?

Hey Everyone!
    The Names Ashley! You can call me Ash, Ashley, or whatever you prefer. If you already know me, you would know that I have another blog called Wanderlust!
Check it out ----->

Anyways...this blog is going to be quite different then my wanderlust one. This one will be more sophisticated. Well, at least as sophisticated as I can be. (I like the word

 You see, I am a very busy person. I am a people person. I love hanging out with big groups and hanging out all day and staying out at night exploring the town. I also love to travel and be outdoors. On the other side of that...I am super busy. And I actually enjoy being busy, just not TOO busy.

This year I will be a senior in high school, which means I need to pick up the pace on my grades, score awesome on the SAT, complete my senior project, apply for scholarships and to colleges! I will be super busy just with the school year. But, I have even more to worry about. I also am the Idaho FCCLA State Secretary. I am one of the 11 or so state officers representing Idaho! It is an honer and a privilege but it comes with a lot of work. Like? I will be running workshops, visiting schools, planning and running STAR events (Competitions) at the district and state level, and several other duties. And to add on top of all of that, I plan on getting a Job either at a clothing store, or as a hostess. The best part is... I will be trying to maintain an exciting social life while everything I just mentioned will be all happening at the SAME exact time! Can you say party!?

*I handle being busy well, and I definitely will have time for lots and lots of social time*

So...this blog, will be about all of my crazy experiences, tips, guides, how I survive all of this chaos, and all that jazz. If you are a junior, sophomore, or even a freshmen in high school, this blog is best for you! In reality I hope this blog will be a big help for anyone ready to prepare their lives and be limitless!

So be prepared to find out how to survive and LIMITLESS!

Stay Beautiful,